Yogurt is a drink that many people love, especially children. Besides its sweet and sour aroma and taste, Sour milk is also good for health. Because sour milk is rich in protein, calcium, and many minerals. and probiotics (Probiotics) that help strengthen bones and the body. It also helps the digestive system and immune system.
Sour milk: It is a product made from various types of milk such as fresh milk , skim milk or soy milk by using the bacteria Lactobacillus acidosis and Streptococcus. Thermophilus is mainly added to the fermentation of various milk products. These bacteria Helps break down the sugar lactose in milk into lactic acid, causing acidosis. and has a sour taste Its acidity – base is between 3.8-4.6.
There are 2 types of fermented milk: fermented milk that is watery like a drink. And sour milk that has a thick liquid appearance Also known as yogurt.
That sour milk Rich in many benefits Helps balance microorganisms in the body. It also helps take care of our digestive system very well. and benefits in many other areas as follows:
Helps improve the digestive system of the intestines: Microorganisms in yogurt will create enzymes that can digest food more than normal, such as protein-digesting enzymes Helps with casein digestion. Which is a type of protein that is abundant in milk Helps with the secretion of saliva. And enzymes in the stomach and more pancreas Helps improve bowel movement. These microorganisms It also creates enzymes to digest lactose. (B-galactosidase) ทางเข้า ufabet https://ufabet999.app , which can convert the sugar lactose. People generally lack this enzyme after weaning, causing some people to drink milk. There will be diarrhea because the lactose sugar is not digested, but the microorganisms added to this sour milk It will help digest lactose. This prevents consumers from having diarrhea. In addition, microorganisms that produce lactic acid It also helps the body absorb calcium and iron better.
Treat diarrhea: Drinking sour milk caused by the fermentation method There will be both lactic acid. and microorganisms that live in milk Every time you drink sour milk Not only receive nutrients That’s only useful. But it also gets some live microorganisms into the body. These microorganisms Will help adjust the condition of the intestines. To return to being in a state of balance again. and can cause damage to the stomach. Including being able to treat diarrhea. and stomach ulcers as well This living microorganism is an important factor that makes fermented milk valuable to the body.
Source of vitamin B and vitamin K: Microorganisms in yogurt Can synthesize vitamin B1 and vitamin K in the intestines. which is a vitamin that is important to the functioning of the body Prevent beriberi and helps in blood clotting.
Raise your immune system to a higher level: Microorganisms in yogurt Besides protection and cure disease but also has features Stimulates the body’s immune system to be higher as well. It also helps prevent cardiovascular disease. By Lactobacillus bacteria It helps control the amount of cholesterol. and triglycerides in the blood. In addition, Lactobacillus bacteria It also helps prevent cancer. Can bind to carcinogens Binds to heavy metals and bile acids. Which are toxic and inhibit bacteria in the intestines. that creates nitrates Which is a carcinogen.
Control unwanted microorganisms in the intestines: In yoghurt, there is an accumulation of metabolites. Excreted by microorganisms that produce lactic acid, it has the ability to inhibit the growth of unwanted microorganisms. There are many types of microorganisms in the intestines, such as Salmonella and E.coll. It cannot harm the body, so you should drink sour milk regularly. To have a good group of microorganisms Living inside our intestines.