Matcha a popular Japanese style drink.

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Matcha is different from green tea in that the production process involves covering the tea plants 30 days before harvesting. To prevent the change of theanine (Theanine) to catechin (Catechin) in tea leaves when exposed to sunlight. Then the green tea leaves are ground into powder as whole leaves without separating out the residue. This is unlike drinking regular green tea where we have to filter out the tea leaves before drinking the tea. And because of this, drinking matcha gives us the full benefits of the tea leaves, but at the same time, it tastes quite bitter. This may make many people find it difficult to drink. Therefore, dishes suitable for matcha must include the addition of milk. To get a more mellow taste, it became a matcha latte. that is popularly eaten nowadays.

In addition, matcha has many other properties and benefits, which today UFABET has summarized as benefits of matcha. What tea drinkers must know as follows:

Helps in weight loss: Matcha is rich in antioxidants, especially catechins. which helps in stimulating the metabolism of energy and fat Helps reduce the absorption of fat and sugar. Reduce cholesterol and can help reduce appetite.

Helps the body to wake up: Matcha contains caffeine, which helps keep the body alert. Helps the brain work better Reduce pain within the body At the same time there is L-Theanine. Which helps the body feel relax. control stress It also relieves fatigue that may be cause by caffeine.

Helps to relax Nourish the heart and blood vessels: Matcha contains theophylline. and theobromine which has a diuretic effect Helps in expanding the bronchi. increase heart rate Reduce arterial stiffness and heart pain. It also helps to stay awake. Reduce tension and feel relaxed as well.

Helps strengthen immunity: Matcha contains polyphenols, L-theanine, and catechins, which are antioxidants. Prevent cancer, reduce wrinkles, and prevent hair loss. and strengthen the body’s immunity.

Helps nourish the body Balancing the work of various systems: Matcha is rich in vitamins B, C, and E, which help in balancing the body’s functions, nourishing eyesight, and strengthening the immune system. Reduce respiratory allergy symptoms Strengthen bones and teeth Helps in expanding the bronchi, etc.

Helps nourish the skin to be healthy. Look younger: Matcha contains chlorophyll. and many other types of antioxidants that help keep the skin healthy, expel toxins, and make pores look smaller. Reduce wrinkles and increases skin elasticity.

Helps reduce bad breath: Matcha contains fluoride which helps in inhibiting the growth of bacteria. and eliminate microorganisms that cause various diseases within the oral cavity, such as preventing tooth decay Including helping to maintain healthy gums and teeth And prevents the formation of microbial plaque (plaque) which is the cause of bad breath as well.